Assalamualaikum :) Welcome to my blog . Yeah sure , don't judge me . You don't know me . Yet , my story . Kbye
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I am ME
Well , my name is Arfah bt. Ariffin , a form four student in Sekolah Menengah Sains Pasir Puteh . I'm taking the Pure Science stream of course .

Feeling : happy !
Eating : halal food , of course :)
Doing : ahh , whatever
Watching : always watching you
Listening to : sounds -.-

Rotten Things
March 2013 | April 2013 | May 2013 | June 2013 | July 2013 | August 2013 | October 2013 | November 2013 |

Kamu :')
Ainna Azzyati :)
Wasiat sebelum mati :3
i'm already broken -.-
tak gentle lah woi xD
checking besar-besaran oleh ANJING sekolah -.-
the changes THEY made . why ? -.-
Horror Conversation -.- **like seriously**

#dear SALWANI MADIHA : i'm sorry .
Written at Friday 31 May 2013 | back to top

heyy there . act , aku taknak tulis panjang-panjang . just a little . ahha , MAYBE , **kalau sempatlah** aku harap sempat tulis satu post . my lappy's battery was fully charged . and i'll go online till the battery went flat . can i ? hee ^^ suka hati aku lah :P hadoo aku kesah kau bagi ke tak ? huuuu , hak online hak akuu x)

i'm sorry for everything i've done to you , to our friendship . very sorry . i don't know what else i should do . we're like strangers . why ? because you hate me . yeah , i just knew it . i stabbed you from your back , that was all playing in your mind . am i right dear ? so here , me swallowing my pride saying i'm sorry . heyy , once you told me , when we're in form two . "we're friends till Jannah" . so , where are your promise ? you're always need me . then you go and cut me down . why ? was it a part of our friendship ?

sometimes , i thought that i was too late to apologize , it's too late . but i'd take another chance , take a fall , take a shot for you . I NEED YOU LIKE A HEART NEEDS A BEAT . so give me chance , please ? I'M SORRY . i didn't mean to do it . i'm sorry if i changed . forgive me, please ? ohh please , i don't want to destroy our friendship . please . it's just lot of memories . it's great .

Sally Maddie , if you think i shouldn't be forgiven , just ignore me everywhere we meet . act like you don't ever know me before . act like i'm not there . just do anything you usually do . i failed .
bye .

lots of love ,

Facebook , Twitter , Whatsapp , whatever . Just name it .
Written at Tuesday 28 May 2013 | back to top

FACEBOOK . iyaa , ada banyak kebaikan guna benda ni . pertama , jimat kredit . haha . itu la sebab utama aku guna benda ni . dekat rumah , aku tak perlu masukkan topup . just habiskan saki baki kredit yg tinggal tu jeee ^^ act , aku suka sangat texting . sehari phone aku tak vibrate , boleh kena penyakit sawan babi . hey heyy , bukan nak kata aku gila ke apa . just aku bosan stay dkt rumah . well , dekat rumah aku tkde orang . mak ayah aku kerja sampai petang . nak makan , masak sendiri lah . breakfast , lunch , masak sndiri . paling-paling malas , naik moto pergi kedai . beli sendiri lah . aku rasa mcm aku hidup tnpa parents . serius . sebelum mak aku pergi kerja , dia akan tinggalkan duit sikit . manalah tahu aku nak beli pape . barang dapur or whatever lah yg aku boleh beli . hoho , tkde lah sampai beratus-ratus sehari . itu boros namanya . TAMAK HALOBA . ehh , dah masuk tajuk lain -.-

TWITTER . nothing much . lebih kurang je dengan facebook tuu . just , kalau twitter ni kan , dia private sikit . sikit je laa . sbb orang still boleh tengok ape yg kita tweet . tapi kan , tkde orang peduli pun kalau tkde orang follow kita . tapi tak gila kita nak tweet sorang-sorang . haha

kedua-duanya saling bersangkut paut actly . FACEBOOK , TWITTER . just about the same thing . it's called , social web . tapi , aku rasa better twitter lah dari facebook . budak yg hot dekat twitter tu , masuk facebook mcm masuk disco . orang suka dia bukan sebab rupa paras . orang suka dia sbb dia pandai tarik perhatian orang . ada bantahan ? **krik krik** okeyy , aku proceed . budak hot facebook masuk twitter , krik krik . faham maksud aku kan ? bagus . dia hot dekat facebook sbb rupa paras . mybe orang suka dia sbb dia comel , hensem , cantik , lawa , cun , macho apa semua . itu tarik perhatian juga . tapi tak sehebat twitter . eh , kalau kau upload gambar dekat twitter , tkde orang peduli lah . sbb gambar tu tak keluar terus mcm dekat facebook . dia keluar dlm bentuk link . tak gila nak bukak satu satu link just nk tengok and retweet gambar tuu . kalau retweet pun , tak ada respond . get that ?

post aku kali ni just nak briefing clearly bout social web to those who hate social-webbers like me . aku guna benda ni bukannya sbb nak tambah koleksi boyfriend ke ape . **ewahh , ayat aku mcm aku ni cantek je ** hah , sape yg suka boleh berambus . kalau suka , boleh ami mana-mana input yg dirasakan berguna . tapi aku rasa belog aku langsung tak berguna . tak boleh berjasa kepada agama , bangsa dah negara pun . kbye .
what the -.- **takpayah sambung ayat aku**
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heyya **lambai tangan** hamboih , semangatnya aku x) act , nothing lah . just , just , ahhhhhhhh . just stay there and read . READ .

aku . a 16-year-old girl , a daughter **the first daughter actly** , a form four student . came from a not-so-broken family **or what can we say , BERMASALAH** . fyi , aku manusia biasa .

nobody's perfect , right ? cuba mention nama sape2 yg perfect , aku nak kenal sikit . nk tengok rupa dia macam mana . ehh , sesempurna mana pun manusia atas muka bumi ni , still ada khilaf lah . tak perlu nak bangga sangat lah kan :P
Written at Monday 27 May 2013 | back to top

hidup ni jangan nak kejar hot sangat boleh ? kambing betul -.- hot pun tak kemana lah . makan minum semua mak bapak tanggung . yuran sekolah mak bapak yg bayar . duit beli topup semua pun guna duit mak bapak . kau kejar hot pun buat apa ? nk penuhi tuntutan nafsu or what ? itu semua dosa . kau nak hot sbb nak perhatian orang kan ? batak ah kauu . guna DP fake yg handsome gila pun still tak hot jugak sampai sekarang . lagi orang kutuk ada lah . shame on you . boo :P

social web tak sama dgn real life lah . kau jangan nk jadi bodoh . kalau real life tu memang kita kena amik perhatian orang . kena jadi sweet talker . leadership itu penting . manalah tahu kau jadi bos ke nnti . senang nk buat kerja . anak buah semua jenis yg dengar kata . ikut arahan . haha

jadi hotstuff pun kau nk beat sape ? kau nak beat model semua tuh ? tak payah laa . bazir masa . baik kau g buat kerja sekolah , tengok tv , main badminton , korek hidung ape semua . ada jugak faedahnyaa . tengok tv misalnya , boleh dapat knowledge , information semua . but depends on what you watch lah . kalau tengok filem porno tu kau tak dapat pape lahh . what about korek hidung ? yeah , boleh bersihkan rongga pernafasan . kalau ngantuk , korek lah hidung tuu . ngantuk kan salah satu tanda lack of oxigen . blood haemoglobins get small quatity of oxigen gasses to be send to the cell body especially , brain cells . tapi kejadah kau korek hidung sbb nak berjaga malam ? yg tu memang takde effect lah sbb waktu malam tu memang waktu tidur . take note please . jangan jadi bodoh .

ape aku merepek ni ? dah dah . out for dinner x)
not fair T.T
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it's not fair to treat your children differently . they have their own feelings and thoughts . so , before you do something , explain it clearly to your children . don't let they misunderstand you . i know how it feels . broken heart . that was all i felt . i experienced it myself .

left alone at home . my daily life was just good . just like a housewife . haha . heyy , it's not that i'm married . i'm not married yet . still too young to think about marriage :) education is more important lah .

Long-distance Friendship .
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you , that i called FRIEND . you're so good . we built friendship . and it was all great . but now , it was over . i think . you acted like you don't know me . i called you many times but all i get was the voice-mailbox's operator's voice . damn youu -.- text messages , it's delivered but i don't get your replies . so do through the social web . why ? how could you do this to me ? but , you will never do this without reasons , don't you ? sometimes , i think i have to change . yeah , change my attitude .  not everyone like me . i knew . tried to be perfect but nobody's perfect , right ?

we know each other through Asri , your best friend . seems like you were very interested to know me . you asked me questions about everything . and i answered it all . we talked just like we already knew each other . but it happens few months ago . now , it was just a memory . a high school sweet memory that i will always remember until my last breath , InsyaAllah :)
err -.-
Written at Sunday 26 May 2013 | back to top

i hate that when people treat me like a rubbish -.- why ? because i stayed in a house , not in a garbage bin . imma human . so please ~

WHO TREAT ME LIKE THAT ? IT'S HIM . yeah , that stupid boy . getback with him ? never . fullstop . so here , i wanna make a wish . i wanna put this relationship to an end . break up . why ? he leave me first . he ignores me . and i don't like that . it feels like he do not appreciate me . not at all . everytime i asked him for a reason , he just said that he was waiting for me to start our conversation . what ? it's look like it was only me who need him , missing him . what kind of man he was ?

a true relationship is when you can tell each other about anything and everything without secrets or lies .

everytime i think of him , im feeling stupid . being fooled by a guy was disgusting . shame on me -.- never experience that 'till now . NOW .

let's start a new life without guy . no hurt feeling . yeah , a healthy life . just like what i hoping for since long time ago . this lil kiddo want a free-boyfriend life . just friends . never be more than that . get it ? good .

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harini still sama dengan hari-hari sebelumnya . kitorang tak contact langsung . num celcom aku , kredit dia tamat tempoh **miskin kan aku ?** num maxis ? num maxis tu emmm EMPTY CREDS lah . ahh , malas aku nak topup -.- aku malas nk amik peduli pasal phone . tak enjoy lah kalau asyik menghadap skrin phone jee . now , nak stick to the one jee . LAPPY :D dialah nyawaku , dialah segalanyaa :D **wey Arfie , kau ni dah kenapa ?**

act , aku tak tau pun nak tulis apa . aku tengah bosan ni . nak tido , aku tak ngantuk . baru je bangun . haha xD ada orang kata aku pelik . ape yg pelik pun tak tahu lah . well , manusia . masing-masing ada pendapat dia sendiri .
TIRED , BORED . let's put it to an END .
Written at Saturday 25 May 2013 | back to top

at first , aku bahagia . mak kau tahu pasal kita . the whole family lha . tapi makin lama , aku mula rasa tak serasi . aku jadi tak selesa dgn kau . kalau dulu , aku selalu rindukan kau , sekarang rasa tu dah tkde . sekarang aku anggap kau macam kawan jee . kalau dulu , tak dengar suara kau sehari boleh buat aku nanar , sekarang semua tu dah hilang . don't ask me why . ASK YOURSELF . apa kau buat sampai aku jadi sampai macam tuu . aku bukan nk ingkar janji ke apa . tp perasaan manusia kita tak boleh nk paksa . faham ? bagus .

kita dah  bincang pasal benda ni few times tapi kau ubah kejap je . lepastu kau buat balik perangai lama kau tu . kau tak ikhlas pun kan ? kau tak ikhlas terima teguran aku . sometimes , aku rasa aku ni kejam sangat . kawan-kawan aku pun cakap mcm tu . tapi dorang tak faham situasi aku . dorang tak tahu situasi kita sekarang neh .

aku minta maaf banyak-banyak . aku tak boleh paksa perasaan aku utk terus sayang kau . act , aku nak sangat hubungan kita kekal . tapi yelah , benda dah jadi . kita tak boleh undur masa . kalau guna alat Jimmy Neutron pun aku rasa tak akan jadi . benda tu wujud dalam tv jee . ahh , ape aku merepek ni ? -.-

AWAK , saya tak kan putuskan hubungan kita . saya tak kisah awak nk kata apa , tapi saya tak akan buat benda tu . saya serahkan semuanya pada awak . so , it's up to you lah . jangan risau , saya tak akan cari orang lain . saya dah jadi tawar hati dgn lelaki . wait , it's not mean that imma lesbo kay ? iya , saya suka perempuan . err , correction . saya suka berkawan dengan perempuan . dengan lelaki pun sama tapi terbataslah . aurat , body contact . semua tu kena jaga kalau dengan lelaki even saya dulu pun sejahil-jahil manusia . iyalah , awak pun tahu semua tu kan ? now , i've make up my mind . saya nak berubah . i wanna be a better person .
smile :)
Written at Friday 3 May 2013 | back to top

Take out the picture blow off the dust . Take off the frame it's starting to rust . Remember the times we had together . What happened to being best friends forever .
pemilik nama Aina Fazlina Mohd Zaid , i do love you . wait , aku bukan lesbo kayy -.- aku sayang dia , as a friend lah . as a bestfriend . faham ? baguss .

bout this photo , taken at Dataran Puteri during Hari Terbuka Asrama :) muka aku nampak separuh jee -.- tu semua sebab cekodok kecik sebelah aku tuh . dia yg pegang kamera . haha , that's all . kbyee .